April $100 challenge: Has Bryce sold his drumkit yet?

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What we’re chatting about this week…

The $100 challenge - April let’s go!
A quick refresher for those who’ve just joined us - if you invest just $100 each month, and you’re earning the market’s average return - you’ll accumulate over $350,000 in 40 years. I mean, who doesn’t want that money?

No spoilers here - but last month Bryce said he’d sell his drum kit (hit him up), and Alec found out just how much you can earn doing online surveys. Did they manage? Listen to hear how they went.

What are they going to do in April? Bryce is going to sell umbrellas during wedding season (look, we’re not convinced either), and Alec calculated how much he spent on lunch for the last month - it came in at a tidy $150.04. So he’s pledging to bring a packed lunch for the whole of April, to save that cash.
We got some amazing suggestions though - dog walking, dress rentals, surveys, selling things on Gumtree or Facebook, and riding a bike to work!

Tell us your ideas at equitymates.com. 

Maddy and Sophie deliver part two of their epic chat with Adore Beauty founder Kate Morris. For the past month, they’ve been learning from some of the most inspiring founders in Australia. Here’s 3 lessons they took away from the last week’s conversation:

  1. You’ll know that you have the right business idea when you just can’t stop thinking about it.

  2. Building a sustainable business model (where revenue is higher than costs) will get you out of most problems, and set your business up for long term sustainability.

  3. Find a couple of mentors - no single person will have the right answer or expertise for each challenge that you have!

    Make sure you catch up with Kate’s interview, and their other conversations with fellow beauty entrepreneurs, lingerie moguls and new media founders from the past month.

Question from the Community

When you’re just starting out, there are so many resources available, it can be hard to know where to start. Bryce and Alec go over their basic process in detail in the episode Knowledge is Power: Finding the right information.

Here’s only 3 of their key thoughts:

  1. The internet has democratised information for all of us - investing resources, expert investor’s writings, third-party analysts and big institutions all release free information. Go seek and ye will probably find!

  2. If you’re looking at thematics, filter with Google News or newspapers, or Yahoo! Finance or Google Finance’s related company sections. If you already know what stock you’re looking at - visit the investor centre on their website.

  3. Balance your research with formal and informal sources. Formal? Investment banks and financial institutions. Informal sources are great for anecdotes but be careful to fact-check! Look at Facebook groups (Equity Mates Discussion Group) blogs, and forums.

PS. We’ve got new T-Shirts! 👕

Visit the link below to see Bryce modelling all the new designs. Or click here to order it for yourself!